Month: May 2024


This week in Reading we learned about alpine habitats. Alpine habitats are in the mountains above the area where trees grow, special plants and animals have adapted to living in those harsh envoiroments. So for our create we had to make a slideshow that explained what Alpines are, and I also had to make a seperate google doc to answer a couple of questions about Alpine habitats, then I had to link that on my Google slide that explained what Alpines are.

Here Is My Google Slide:

What Is Your Favorite Type Of Habitats?

Symbols of The Holy Spirit.. FIRE

Today at R.E we learned about the symbols of the holy spirit, I learned that water, Wind, Oil, Dove, Cloud, and Fire are all symbols of the holy spirit.  After we learned about all that, we had to choose one symbol of the holy spirit and make a DLO about it. I chose fire.


Here is my DLO:

What is your favorite Symbol of the Holy Spirit?

The Deathstalker Scorpion

Hello fellow bloggers!

At writing this week my group had to make a slideshow that informed other people about a insect or a bug, we were allowed to choose our own insect/bug and after a lot of thinking I chose The Deathstalker scorpion. At first I thought that was just a made up name but when I researched it, I found out that it was actually a real animal.

Here is the slideshow I made about Deathstalker Scorpion:

Whats your favorite Insect/bug?