Pentecost Slides

Hello Fellow Bloggers!


A couple of weeks ago, my class has been learning about the story of pentecost for Religious Education. Our create was really interesting but also Quite Fun. First, we had to make a symbol, not just any symbol though, we had to recreate a symbol of the holy spirit, I chose Fire because I think fire is pretty cool.  Ok so anyway after we made the symbol we had to put it on to a google drawing, and add some information about fire. Then I made a google doc and wrote down the story of Pentecost and what happened on that day,

I also made a drawing of a dove flying over fire. Then I added all of those to a google slide.


Here Is My Google Slide:

What is your favorite symbol of the Holy Spirit?

2 thoughts on “Pentecost Slides

  1. Hi Johan its Sammie I loved your Pentecost slide and it taught me a lot. I also really loved your drawing of your symbol. My favorite symbol is water. whats yours.

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