Category: Hanga | Create

Acrostic Poem


Over the few weeks in our school, we have been learning about nature in, reading, writing and R.E. For our create we had to make a poem, the teachers let us choose what type of poem we could make and I chose Acrostic because it is easiest one to do. According to Google, An acrostic is a poem or other word composition in which the first letter of each new line spells out a word, message or the alphabet.

Example Photo:

The word I chose for my Acrostic poem was, Nature.

Here Is My Own Acrostic Poem:

Have you ever done an acrostic poem before?

Travis Wetlands Trip


Today I’m going to talk about my school trip to Travis Wetlands.

As soon as I got to school everyone else that was going had to get in to one room, the teacher did the roll to make sure that everyone was here, around 9:00am we got on the bus, when we got there, we immediately saw a bunch of pukeko’s walking around.

Then we met this nice lady named Tracey, she was our instructor/Teacher. She first took us to the information centre, we sat on the floor while she told us a lot of stuff about the Travis Wetlands. The thing that surprised me the most was that, Christchurch used to be 80% wetland, and now it is only 3%!

After that Tracey took all the year eights(I’m a year 8) while a man called Chris took all the year sevens. Me and the rest of the year eights followed Tracey and she took us to a place, there was a lot of ponds there. Then we got into groups of 2 or 3, and then each group had their own station, each station contained a tray with water in it, some magnifying glasses, plastic spoons, a larger version of a sift attached to a stick(we used this to catch the tiny fish) and we also got a poster with all of the tiny fish and snails that was in the ponds.

We used the sift thing to catch fish, we caught backswimmers, water boatman, and some other things. After we were done with that, We had morning tea.

After morning the year sevens went with Tracey to the ponds and we went with chris. Chris gave us all binoculars and we started birdwatching, we saw a lot of birds up close. It was really cool. Chris took us to a place called a bird hide.

its a room we can go in to hide from birds and spy on them with our binoculars.

After we did bird watching, it was time for us to go home.

Have you ever been to a Wetland?

pollution Poster

Hello Blogger!

This Week For Our R.E we talked about pollution, for my create I decided to make a poster about pollution and how to stop it, after that I made a wordsearch.

Click The Link To Try Out My Wordsearch: Wordsearch

Here Is My Poster:

Did You Complete My Wordsearch? And If So, How Long Did It Take You?

Pentecost Slides

Hello Fellow Bloggers!


A couple of weeks ago, my class has been learning about the story of pentecost for Religious Education. Our create was really interesting but also Quite Fun. First, we had to make a symbol, not just any symbol though, we had to recreate a symbol of the holy spirit, I chose Fire because I think fire is pretty cool.  Ok so anyway after we made the symbol we had to put it on to a google drawing, and add some information about fire. Then I made a google doc and wrote down the story of Pentecost and what happened on that day,

I also made a drawing of a dove flying over fire. Then I added all of those to a google slide.


Here Is My Google Slide:

What is your favorite symbol of the Holy Spirit?


This week in Reading we learned about alpine habitats. Alpine habitats are in the mountains above the area where trees grow, special plants and animals have adapted to living in those harsh envoiroments. So for our create we had to make a slideshow that explained what Alpines are, and I also had to make a seperate google doc to answer a couple of questions about Alpine habitats, then I had to link that on my Google slide that explained what Alpines are.

Here Is My Google Slide:

What Is Your Favorite Type Of Habitats?

Symbols of The Holy Spirit.. FIRE

Today at R.E we learned about the symbols of the holy spirit, I learned that water, Wind, Oil, Dove, Cloud, and Fire are all symbols of the holy spirit.  After we learned about all that, we had to choose one symbol of the holy spirit and make a DLO about it. I chose fire.


Here is my DLO:

What is your favorite Symbol of the Holy Spirit?

The Deathstalker Scorpion

Hello fellow bloggers!

At writing this week my group had to make a slideshow that informed other people about a insect or a bug, we were allowed to choose our own insect/bug and after a lot of thinking I chose The Deathstalker scorpion. At first I thought that was just a made up name but when I researched it, I found out that it was actually a real animal.

Here is the slideshow I made about Deathstalker Scorpion:

Whats your favorite Insect/bug?

Holy Week Create

Welcome Back Fellow Bloggers!

Last week we have been learning about Holy Week, and the Stations Of The Cross. Our R.E Create was to make something that shows the death of Jesus, I decided to make a paralaxx on scratch, If you don’t know what a paralaxx is, It means: The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions, e.g. through the lens of a camera.

So bascically I made a paralaxx on Scratch (It was pretty easy to make on scratch). The Paralaxx lets you view Jesus carrying the cross up the calvary.

If you want to see it, here is the link to the project:


Do you know what Golgotha Means?

How Were The Pyramid Built??

This week in reading, we learned about the Ancient Pyramids. If you want to read about it too, Here is the Link  After that, we read about different ideas on how they were built. The one that made sense to me was about how the Egyptians moved the heavy stones by using big boats on the Nile River

The Egyptians may have used the Nile River like a highway to transport the huge stone blocks for the pyramids. They would put the stones on big boats and let the river carry them to where they needed to go. They probably built canals or channels from the stones to the pyramids.

Using boats on the Nile would have been a smart idea. It’s much easier to float heavy things on water than to drag them on land. Plus, the river was right next to where the pyramids were built.

Archaeologists in Egypt have found evidence of docks and places where boats could have loaded and unloaded near the pyramids.

Some other theories are:

The Ramp Theory:

Picture this – imagine a long, sloping ramp made of mud bricks or wood stretching up to the sky next to the pyramid. Workers could have dragged huge stone blocks up this ramp using sledges or rollers. As the pyramid got taller, they might have extended or twisted the ramp to keep building up!


The Mighty Pulley Power:

Imagine using big pulleys and levers like in a playground seesaw. With some smart balancing and a lot of teamwork, the Egyptians could have lifted those massive stone blocks into place. It’s like playing with giant building blocks, but on a pyramid-sized scale!


Secret Ramps Inside:

Here’s a sneaky idea – what if the Egyptians built secret ramps inside the pyramid? These hidden ramps could have helped them move the stones up to the higher levels without needing big ramps outside. It’s like having a secret elevator inside a giant pyramid!


Ancient Alien Adventures (or Not!):

Now, here’s a fun one – some people think aliens might have helped the Egyptians build the pyramids with super-advanced technology. But most experts say that’s just a wild idea! It’s way more likely that the clever Egyptians used their own smarts and hard work to make those amazing pyramids.


Soo.. How Do YOU think the Pyramids were built?





Hello Fellow Bloggers!


These past couple of weeks at school we have been making our pbl project about our learning about soil, rocks, water, air, and life forms. I decided to make my project on minecraft because I chose to make an island and it would be really easy to make on minecraft. But first before we got into making the project we had to plan our create on a doc. It took me about a whole afternoon to plan. The next day I finished making my project in minecraft and I even named it Blocland.


Here Are Some Photos Of My World :


Trees And Beach:




And after I finsished I had to make a blurb about my island,  Here is the link.

Have You Ever Made An Island On Minecraft Before?